Ian Jarvis on EMF and 5G

It's Not Just Me

We have a small core team as well as a collection of individuals and groups working around the country, both on their own and with us. Ian speaks regularly around the UK, thus helping to build a larger network of like-minded people.

We share our information and knowledge freely here on this website as well as in regular meetings.

What We Do

Our work is about ACTION.

Our main focus is on planning applications for new telecommunications masts (base stations), which are constantly increasing in number. Generally, people are aware of what masts are, but what they are not so familiar with is the non-ionising radiation (NIR ie RFR/EMF for more see in Documents) emitted from these masts, which is invisible, silent and, for most of us, not felt.

We focus on the planning system as a legal and mostly straightforward way of stopping masts being approved. Our efforts are definitely succeeding as the rate of applications being refused is increasing. We are hoping that our new Government does not change planning laws, which could mean we lose our right to object to new masts.

WITH YOUR HELP, we can continue to make a difference.

Three UK Limited and Fraud

The two downloadable documents on the right here lay out the issues around the use of the name “Three UK Ltd” in applications for base stations. One gives details about Three UK Ltd, a legitimate company which traded between 1994 and 2015 and had nothing to do with telecoms. The other interprets the meaning of this use within the context of the Fraud Act. The issue is not about Three UK Ltd; it is about some legitimate companies issuing documents in the name of Three UK Ltd, ie making illegal and fraudulent use of the name of another company without first obtaining its agreement. Please make NO changes to the two documents, I have spent considerable time to get them correct.. Use them as they are as appendices to a covering letter that you write to your Council or anyone else. That letter will be different for each person as you all have a different relationship with your Council, so I cannot draft that for anyone. To have more weight, I suggest that you look through all telecoms applications in your Council planning portal and find some examples and give the references in your letter. If you don’t know how to do that go to the videos below and watch ‘video 1’. If you need more help, use the Mentors email which can be found via the Contacts button.


The documents below can all be downloaded to your own computer. This is recommended so that you have access to them even when you don’t have an internet connection. The documents are all about the UK planning system. The system does have many faults, but it is the one that we have and within which we must work.

As part of our work, we try to influence changes. Sections of many of the documents have been highlighted to emphasise what I think are the important points and they will also have a link to the on-line source so you can get a ‘clean’ copy should you wish.

Government Related

The National Planning Policy Framework

This is the current version, released in December 2023, with highlights of what Ian considers important. Note especially that the WHOLE of the document applies to ALL types of Application.

Code of Practice for Wireless Networks (England)


About General Permitted Development

Note particularly on Page 9 “All new masts will still require the prior approval of the local planning authority”

New Conversations: Includes (p34) The Gunning Principles (Case Law) on Consultation

2018 Consultation Principles: a useful Summary document of general relevance


Guidelines for Objections

Guideline Strategy

Objections Template (editable)

Mobile UK – A Paper from the industry often submitted as part of an application. Highlights in the paper are made by Ian, and you can attach it to your objections as part of your rebuttal of claims. Sometimes you will see a paper from the institute of Engineering and Technology or our Government, both of which are equally as false.



These Factsheets, drafted by Judith, are not all fully proofed.

Please let us know of any errors with an email to the mentors’ address in Contacts.

Debate on the 500 meter minimum distance between a mast and a residence

Children and Schools

Locating Masts and Distances From Schools

Real-Life 5G Case Studies

How Appeals Work

Speculative Applications and ICON Towers Ltd

Technical Standards

ICNIRP 2020 Guideline

2020 ICNIRP Principles

ICBE Rebuttal Paper

Summary of ICNIRP Faults

Background Articles

Research Summary

2020 Consultation

Lancet Article on Planetary Electromagnetic Pollution

Effects on Unregulated Digitalization on Health and Democracy, a paper by the World Council for Health


Tutorial 1 -
How to Find Telecoms Planning Applications

Tutorial 2 -
Looking Through an Application

Tutorial 3 -
Making a Comment

Ian Talking to Richard Vobes About Objecting to 5G

Ian Talking to Richard Vobes About Dissolved Companies

Ian's Full Talk at Totnes

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence Augmentation: an Introduction

Ian at the Town Meeting in Shaftesbury, June 2023

Ian Jarvis at the Net Zero Debate

Ian Testing His Bed Canopy from www.emf-protection.com

Ian’s Presentation to the “National Call for Safer Technology” (in USA)

Related and Advice

There are also many other places you can go for additional information on masts and planning. Whether you want health information, technical data or specifications, ideas about protection or harmonisers, leaflet ideas or to download stickers to put on cabinets, legal actions you can take (and info on some that are being taken), there is a site to help. You can even learn who “SAM” is.

Ralph Ellis –
Climate Emergency


Note that we are volunteers, so please be patient if you do not get an immediate response.

We will get back to you asap.


This will get you in touch with Sue Spencer who is my event arranger and diary manager.


This email is for general enquiries and help, whether you are a beginner, or an “old-hand” writing your 100th objection but there are specifics which you haven’t yet met.  The core team will try to help, advise and support. Please contact this email address rather than contacting Ian personally, as you are more likely to get a faster response. Your query will be forwarded to Ian where appropriate.


This website lists current mast applications, giving details of each one to help you write your own objection letter.  To use this, you will be asked to register first. Details on how to use the website and how to add an application for a mast near you are included on the site.  Apologies as it is a little ‘clunky’; we have had to make it extra secure to avoid being hacked (a previous forum was taken down). 

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