EMFs – How to Protect Yourself & Stay Healthy

Author: Nicki Shepherd


Generation Zapped 

Resonance: Beings of Frequency  

Take Back Your Power

Something Is In The Air – The cell phone radiation documentary

Arthur Firstenberg – 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity



The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation – Dr Devra Davis

Rise and ShineOliver Perceval lecture on 5G EMF Dangers and Solutions. (Jan 2022)

2020 5G Trojan Horse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWnyyiE5QlU

Children & Parents explaining symptoms after 4G/5G installation

Wifi in School Concerns https://youtu.be/YF5XeQAHtQE?list=PLT6DbkXhTGoDuG9AjOwvPaWLSk8mYyeyK


ES-UK Charity:  www.es-uk.info/

Stop Smart Meters UK https://stopsmartmeters.org.uk

Safe Schools Info Tech Alliance:  ww.ssita.org.uk/children/

Wifi in Schools:  www.wifiinschools.org.uk/

Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children:   

The Bioinitiative Report 2012
Research Summary:   www.bioinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/BioInitiativePressRelease1-1-2013.pdf

The EMF Circle – Bryan Hoyer, monthly educationhttps://emfcircle.com/?oprid=35302&ref=10
In the Know

Environmental Health Trust
– Leading global website

Safer EMR – Joel Moskowitz, leading expert on EMF

Working for Safe Technologies for Nurseries, Schools and Colleges.  

Radiation Research Trust – Active UK Trust promoting education and research

Radiation Dangers

EMF portal -Expert resource, Aachen University, archive of 1000’s of studies

Tech Safe Schools – 2021 US initiative, advising potential liability to schools

PHIRE – Physicians Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment. UK based.

Medical Doctors for Safe Tech Resource and action initiated by international Doctors

Powerwatch UK – Good technical overviews of science, studies and charts

EMF scientist – Appeal for RFR safety from 253 scientists

EMF call – 164 Scientists and Medical Doctors for safer EMF limits.

The Babysafe Project – Good resource for parents

Mothers for Safe Tech – UK schools campaign

EMF safety network – We envision a world free of EMF smog


Electromagnetic Sense Ireland

International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection https://www.icnirp.org

Do Fibre Optics increase Electrosensitivity?



WiFi Refugee: Plight of the Modern-day Canary, Shannon Rowan (2022)

Excellent 2022 study of this increasingly critical issue. This book is not only a wake-up call; it’s a testament to the determination and resourcefulness of today’s WiFi refugees.

The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenberg (2020)

Incredible exploration and expose of the whole RFR subject. 550pp.

The Body Electric. Robert O. Becker, Gary Selden (1985)

Beautiful journey into discovering our Electric body, and hence the effects that RFR has on it. In particular Chapter 15 Maxwells Silver Hammer. 352pp.

Dirty Electricity Sam Milham (2019)

“Written by a very influential epidemiologist (medical statistician) who performed a range of important scientific studies in his career.”

Getting Healthy in Toxic Times Dr Jenny Goodman (2019)

Have bought a number of books on this topic but what I love about this one is the format – clear, concise, hard-hitting. 

Overpowered Martin Blank (2015) Overpowered

Potentially good for teens. “Martin Blank deals with a difficult subject in a scientifically accurate but easily readable fashion… everything from powerlines, to cell phones, to light bulbs, to conflicts of interest, with humour and passion. 

Hidden Dangers Capt Jerry Flynn (2019)

Easy to read, catalogued history of political and scientific poker going back to 1930’s. Decent summary of terms as well. 223pp.

Electro sensitivity and Electro hypersensitivity A Summary Michael Bevington (2010)

43 pp including 800 references to scientific papers relating to EHS.

Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution Camilla Rees and Magda Havas (2009)

“Brilliant book, Magda Havas’ research into electromagnetic radiation and dirty electricity has inspired me for many years. Great useful reference guide to help people identify prevent or reduce exposure to toxic wireless radiation.”

Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation Devra Davis (2010)

“Brilliant history for those studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation and mobile phones. Great documentation of the history and key biological discoveries of the harm caused by wireless radiation emitting devices.”

Radiation Rescue: 4 Steps to Safeguard Your Family from the Other Inconvenient Truth – The Health Hazards of Wireless Technology. Kerry Crofton (2010)

“This is a brilliant reference book on all the digital and wireless systems used in our daily lives, and how to reduce radiation to create a healthier living environment.”

Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution , The Promise of Electromedicine
Robert O. Becker (1990, 2004)

“A fascinating, thoughtful, and accessible account of the field of electromedicine. A timely and eloquent warning on the hazards of electronic pollution.”

Radiation Nation Daniel DeBaun (2017)

“Very informative, easy to read information about things that produce radiation which may be harmful to you and your family.”

The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF’s Nicholas Pineault (2017)
Can you really feel years younger & make unexplained symptoms vanish with the click of a button — the “Airplane Mode” on your cell phone?


UK Electrosensitives https://www.facebook.com/groups/675328022574090/posts/8013579658748853/?comment_id=8018698128237006&reply_comment_id=8030547980385354&notif_id=1723136354290266&notif_t=group_comment_mention&locale=en_GB

Also search for:
Electrical Sensitivity Support Group
EMF and EHS Law
Families with EHS Children
International EHS Association
SMART EMF Resistance UK


Nicki Shepherd
T: 07940 794452

e: nickisheps@gmail.com

You can join my groups here:

Whatsapp Group – Detoxing & Supporting the Immune System


Telegram Group – Detoxing, EMFs, Healing Devices, Supplements, etc.

For effective heavy metal detoxing, you can order Clean Slate (Root) here: www.therootbrands.com/heavymetalsman

Just check my code “heavymetalsman” is in the Referral Box.
I can provide you with free ongoing support to help you with your detox.

Find me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/nicki.shepherd.75/?locale=en_GB


www.ianjarvis.co.uk Ian speaks around the UK and is working hard to build awareness of EMFs & 5G to help prevent us being swamped in increasing amounts of electrosmog.

www.estherslist.org/index.php A new platform to share planning applications in all areas – lots of support available from Ian’s team.

Buy Ian a Coffee: Ian gives his time generously, any donations even just £5 per month will help enormously towards stationery, printing, travel costs, etc.
Ian Jarvis, Smile Bank, Sort: 08-92-88, Account: 12147113 (or the Donate button here)

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